Whether you sleep alone or with a partner, snoring can have a negative impact on your well being. Not only is it disruptive, it can also pose a risk to your health. USA Today explains the causes of snoring, and offers tips for how to stop it:
Great Indoor Workouts for Kids
We all have the potential to go a little stir crazy during the winter months, when we spend more time indoors. This can be especially true for children. Their bodies crave movement. But just because you can't get outdoors doesn't mean you have to be still. Here are some ideas for getting your kids up and moving when the weather outside keeps you...
You Can Still Garden in Winter
Winter is here. Colder weather has arrived, at least for Florida. This is not the time of year you think of tending to your outdoor plants, or placing new ones in the yard. That doesn’t mean you can’t garden. Just shift your focus from outdoors to in:
Topics: Lifestyle
Do HIIT Workouts Really Work?
When it comes to workouts, certain buzzwords tend to get a lot of attention. In recent years, HIIT has been all the rage. You may have tried the approach, or have probably at least heard of it. But what it is all about? And is it the best exercise approach for you? USA Today explores this popular workout:
Topics: Lifestyle
Why is Tai Chi More Popular Than Ever?
Are you making any health-related resolutions for the new year? There are many benefits to the popular practice tai chi, and they go beyond the physical. Learn more about this ancient practice and how it can help you, with advice from USA Today:
Topics: Lifestyle
Why Thank You is the Secret to Family Happiness
You may have heard the saying, “It’s the little things that matter most.” Many people think saying, “Thank you” qualifies as a little thing, but it has the ability to make a significant positive impact on relationships. Especially within families:
Setting Your Financial Resolutions for 2025
It’s that time of year again – to set your New Year’s Resolutions. Vows to exercise more, eat healthier and lose weight tend to be common. But also at the top of the list is saving more money. In order to do that, you need a strong financial plan in place. So think bigger, and follow this advice from AOL.com when setting your financial resolutions...
Topics: Lifestyle
How to Know if You Have Arthritis, and What to Do About It
Arthritis is commonly associated with people of a, "certain age." And is a general term often used to cover a number of issues. But what is it really? How is it diagnosed? And what can you do about it? Martha Swats of Comfort Keepers shares some basic information on the topic:
Topics: Lifestyle
3 Tips For Better Sleep
The inability to sleep well can be extremely frustrating, and can add to health issues. The stress of the holiday season tends to exacerbate any issues you may already be having. Want to get better sleep? Sleep coach Claire Davies shares her top three tips for getting better sleep year round:
Topics: Lifestyle
Which is Better – Walking Outside or on a Treadmill?
The benefits of walking have been well established. It is an easy, healthy way to get exercise for all fitness levels. But what are the pros and cons of walking outside versus walking on a treadmill? Is one option better for you than the other? According to experts, it depends:
Topics: Lifestyle
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