How to Protect Your Small Business

May 22, 2024 by First Federal Bank

Cybersecurity is an issue facing all size businesses today, from small and medium to Fortune 500. The greatest threat to small businesses is malicious software, or malware. There are a number of different types, but the good news is, the same strategies will work to protect you against them all. Newsweek offers these four tips for safeguarding...

Topics: Small Business

How to Write or Improve Your Emloyee Handbook

March 29, 2024 by First Federal Bank

A clear, thorough, and up-to-date employee handbook is a must for nearly every business. It’s a vital resource for employees, helping them understand the company’s key policies, expectations, and procedures. It’s also a crucial tool for you, the employer, protecting you legally and helping you convey important information. Whether you’re creating...

Topics: Small Business

How to Become a Certified Woman-Owned Business

March 15, 2024 by First Federal Bank

When your company is a Certified Woman-Owned Business, you’ll have access to contracts and resources that can help your enterprise thrive. Here’s a guide to understanding the steps you need to take to help your business gain this valued certification:Certification criteriaTo be considered a Certified Woman-Owned Business, your company needs to...

Topics: Small Business

Tips for Keeping Your Tax Documents Organized

March 06, 2024 by First Federal Bank

Preparing your taxes is easier when you have everything you need at your fingertips or accessible on your computer. Searching for receipts, records, or required documents will quickly erode your resolve and temperament when you’re trying to work through your taxes. Here are a few tips to help you organize your tax documents so you can make the...

Topics: Small Business, Financial Education

Do's and Don'ts of Managing Your Business' Social Media Accounts

March 01, 2024 by First Federal Bank

For better or for worse, your company’s social media posts can draw a lot of attention. However, a few smart practices can keep your brand looking good in the public eye. Here’s a look at what you should — and shouldn’t — do to maintain a healthy social media presence for your business:Do include a call-to-actionWhether you’re prompting readers...

Topics: Small Business

Weasel Words to Avoid in Marketing Materials

February 27, 2024 by First Federal Bank

If you’re advertising your business, you need to make every word count. That’s why it’s important to understand what weasel words are, how they can dilute your messaging, and ways you can avoid them in favor of more direct and impactful language.What is a weasel word?HubSpot Sales Blog editor Leslie Ye explains weasel words are used in an effort...

Topics: Small Business

Setting Expectations For Attendance and Punctuality

February 09, 2024 by First Federal Bank

Your arrangement with your employees is built on trust. They spend their days involved in company operations and performing tasks; in return, you pay them for their time. So when your employees aren’t beginning their shift on time or are leaving early, they’re completing less work than what their wages entail. That’s why setting and enforcing...

Topics: Small Business

Should You Use Your Personal Savings to Cover Business Expenses?

January 26, 2024 by First Federal Bank

Whether you’re a newly minted solo entrepreneur or a long-time business owner who’s going through tough times, you might find your company needs a little extra money. Before you dip into your personal savings to make ends meet, consider the benefits and drawbacks:Pay less in interestIf your business is strapped for cash, your personal savings...

Topics: Business Banking, Small Business

Advice for Safely Sharing Business Credit Cards With Employees

January 12, 2024 by First Federal Bank

If you’ve got a growing enterprise, you may want to give your staff members the power to make purchases. Whether they’re wining and dining clients or buying paint brushes and flooring to fix up an investment property, a business credit card can give your employees a convenient way to make transactions on behalf of your company. However, there are...

Topics: Business Banking, Small Business

What to Consider When Choosing a Tax-Deductible Charity

December 29, 2023 by First Federal Bank

Donating to a tax-deductible charity can boost your small business in a variety of ways. It lets you give back to your community, support causes that are important to you, and create a positive image for your company. Depending on how much you donate, your business could enjoy tax perks as well. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you choose a...

Topics: Small Business

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