There is a balance between just enough and too much when it comes to money in your savings account. Even though saving as much as you can while still paying your bills and enjoying life is a respectable goal, a savings account doesn’t often yield the highest return. If you’re wondering if you’re putting enough or too much into your savings...
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Topics: Financial Education
5 Unique and Thoughtful Wedding Gifts
If a soon-to-be-married couple has a wedding registry, buying them a gift should be an easy task. But what if you’d like to give them something more personal and memorable — or there’s no registry to choose from? Here are some ideas for unique and thoughtful wedding gifts that will make the couple’s special day even better:
Topics: Lifestyle
Can You Buy a House with No Credit History?
At First Federal Bank, we understand that many first-time home buyers face an additional challenge of having non-existent credit history. It’s important to remember that while your credit score may be limited, it doesn’t mean you can’t be trusted to repay a loan. We offer alternative loan options with flexible credit requirements to help those...
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The Impact of Inflation on Mortgage Rates
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How to Help Your Teen Build Credit Now
Teaching your teen about money management and finances is an important step in their education. The lessons you teach now can help them grow into financially responsible adults with a bright and profitable future. Now is the time to help your teen build credit, and here a few ways to do it:
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4 Retro Video Games to Revisit for Nostalgia
Since the 1980s, video games have gone from a niche hobby to a global juggernaut raking in billions of dollars a year. If gaming was an integral part of growing up, you have no shortage of opportunities to recapture the joy of your youth. Retro video games are all the rage across consoles and PCs, and that means some of the most popular and...
As you near your target retirement age, you’ll want to reduce your existing debt to give yourself financial freedom. This includes paying off your credit card balances, student loan debt, car loans, and your mortgage. If you’ve grown a hearty IRA, you’ll wonder if you can use those retirement funds early to knock out your debt. Is that a wise way...
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How Does Video Banking Benefit You?
As technology has evolved, so has the need for mobile video banking solutions in addition to in-branch and web solutions. Customers expect greater efficiency and flexibility from their financial institutions, especially after becoming accustomed to new virtual service options during the pandemic.
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Language Tips and Tools for International Travel
Traveling to a new country can be an exciting experience. But if you’ve been hesitating to finalize your plans because of a possible language barrier, there are a few straightforward tips to help you over that hurdle:
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Short-Term Vs Long-Term Loans: Which Is Better for Your Business?
As implied by their names, the main difference between short-term and long-term loans is how long your business has to repay them. Depending on the lender, short-term loans may last from a few months to a year, while long-term loans can last for a much longer period. When determining what type of loan is better for your business, you need to...
Topics: Small Business
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