Balance transfer credit cards can help you get out of high-interest debt quickly and efficiently. You may have received offers for these types of cards if you are carrying debt currently. But do you have the information you need to make the best financial decision? AOL lists these balance transfer mistakes to avoid:
Mistakes to Avoid When Transferring a Credit Balance
Topics: Financial Education
The Best Type of Bank Accounts for Achieving Your Life Goals
When it comes to personal bank accounts, you probably think of basic checking and savings options. But there are different kinds of accounts you should consider at certain points in your life. Yahoo! Finance banking experts share their favorite accounts for various goals you may have along the way:
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
What Qualifies as a Good Credit Score, and How Do You Get (Or Keep) One?
You probably know how important it is to have a good credit score. But what qualifies as, “Good?” How do you make sure you get – and keep – yours in the best possible range? breaks it all down:
Topics: Financial Education
Helping Young Adults Build Credit
One thing financial experts agree on is it is essential parents begin talking about finances with children from a very young age. And it should not be a one-time conversation. As they grow, you can tackle more complex topics and help build on their knowledge. But what about once they have become adults?
Topics: Financial Education
Simple Ways to Avoid Getting into Debt This Holiday Season
Before you know it, the holidays will be here. Time for parties, good food, and all the gifts! If you become stressed thinking about how you will manage the financial aspect of the season of giving, CNET offers these six tips from the experts:
Topics: Financial Education
How Getting Married or Divorced Can Impact You in Retirement
Many of us spend years planning for our retirement. And chances are while making the look ahead, you don’t factor other major life changes like marriage and divorce into the equation. But the fact is the rate of divorce after 50 has doubled since 1990. So while you may not plan for it, you should understand how such a life change can impact your ...
Topics: Retirement, Financial Education
Ways to Automate Your Savings
Have you ever wished you could put more money in savings? The goal can often feel daunting. But MarketWatch helps make it easy with information on how to make setting funds aside automatic:
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
Tips for Saving on Groceries
There is a lot of talk about the economy and inflation these days. Especially the rising cost of items at your local grocery store. Many families are feeling the pinch. But there are strategies that can help you save money on your essentials. MSN offers these tips:
Topics: Financial Education, Family
These Myths About Debt Consolidation Could Be Keeping You From Making the Right Financial Move
You might have thought about how you can consolidate your debt and pay it down faster. Then you heard these popular myths about debt consolidation, and it stopped you from taking the next steps. debunks some of the more common myths, and explains why debt consolidation might be the right move for your situation:
Topics: Financial Education
How To Avoid Running Out of Money in Retirement
The economy is top of mind for most Americans today. But if you are nearing or already in retirement, you may have extra concerns about running out of money. Have you saved enough? Are you spending more than you expected to? has compiled some tips to help you keep your retirement secure:
Topics: Retirement, Financial Education
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