How Does Video Banking Benefit You?

May 03, 2023 by First Federal Bank

As technology has evolved, so has the need for mobile video banking solutions in addition to in-branch and web solutions. Customers expect greater efficiency and flexibility from their financial institutions, especially after becoming accustomed to new virtual service options during the pandemic.

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

5 Benefits of Digital Communications for Bank Customers

April 07, 2023 by First Federal Bank

Digital communications have revolutionized the banking industry, changing the ways customers interact with their financial institution and their money. Here are some of the key benefits of digital communications for banking customers:

Topics: Business Banking, Personal Banking, Financial Education

How to Balance Your Checkbook with Paperless, Online Accounts

February 08, 2023 by First Federal Bank

An important part of staying on top of your financial status is balancing your checkbook. Although this practice may seem outdated, it’s still wise to verify your monthly account statements.

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

4 Advantages of Online Banking

December 28, 2022 by First Federal Bank

The internet and mobile devices have revolutionized how the world works — including banking. In the past, you had to visit a physical building in person to perform withdraws and deposits to your financial accounts. Now, you don’t even have to leave your living room to manage your checking and savings accounts. That change can be scary for many...

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

What Is an Open-End Loan?

December 23, 2022 by First Federal Bank

In most cases, when you apply for a loan, there’s a set end date. This allows the lender to determine things like interest rate and monthly payment and helps you determine your pay-off amount. But there is such a thing as an open-end loan, which gives you more flexibility if you might need to continue borrowing in the future. If you can obtain one...

Topics: Personal Banking, Small Business, Financial Education

A Guide on Endorsing a Check Properly and Securely

November 18, 2022 by First Federal Bank

Knowing how to endorse a check is one of the foundational financial skills you need to have. This simple process ensures money goes where it needs to and helps protect you against fraud.

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

5 Worst Mistakes You Can Make Banking Online

October 26, 2022 by First Federal Bank

Online banking can take the hassle out of managing your money — but common mistakes can jeopardize your savings and endanger your accounts. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when managing your money through the web:

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

How Do Deposits Work and Why Aren't Funds Immediately Available?

September 28, 2022 by First Federal Bank

When you deposit money into your account via cash or check, it can take some time before those funds are available to you. If you’ve ever wondered why, the explanation is quite simple.

Topics: Business Banking, Personal Banking

How to Effectively Build Credit with a Credit Card

September 21, 2022 by First Federal Bank

Building your credit is important if you want to secure an advantageous loan for a home, car, or other big-ticket item. If your credit score is lower than it should be to help you get the financial gains you want, there are several ways to bump it up. The following methods will help you increase your credit score when using a credit card:

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

Is Using an App Safer Than Using a Browser for Banking Digitally?

September 14, 2022 by First Federal Bank

Online and mobile banking makes moving money, paying bills, and managing your financial well-being easier and more convenient. It’s certainly not without its risks, however, especially when it comes to identity theft and fraud. Is there a safer way to access your information between your financial institution’s website or mobile app? That largely...

Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education

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