Between credit cards, student loans, car loans, and mortgages, you’re probably carrying some debt. On the surface, managing your debt can seem relatively easy — just make minimum payments. However, if you’d like to pay down your debts and increase your cash flow, you have some choices to make. Namely, which debt should you prioritize? Here’s a...
Which Debt Should You Pay Off First?
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education, Mortgages / Home Equity
Planning for a Home Down Payment
Buying a home is a milestone worth celebrating, but it takes planning and preparation before signing the closing documents to ensure the purchase doesn’t become more of a burden than a blessing. Proper planning involves determining how big of a down payment you need and saving money for that down payment. Here are some pointers to get you started:
Topics: Homeowners, Mortgages / Home Equity
Jacksonville, FL - First Federal Bank Residential Lending Division has moved to a bigger, newly remodeled office to accommodate their growth. Located near St. John’s Town Center, First Federal Bank purchased the 28,644 square foot building to house several departments of the Residential Lending Division, as well as warehouse commercial lending and...
A HELOC Is a Flexible Way to Benefit from the Equity in Your Home
Sixty-five percent of Americans are homeowners. For many, their most valuable financial asset is their home. If you are among them, there may come a time when you need access to the equity you have built up in your home. A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) could be just the answer.
Topics: Homeowners, Mortgages / Home Equity
New House vs. Home Improvements
Sometimes it’s hard not to be tempted by the greener grass of a new home, especially if your home isn’t exactly how you want it to look or function. But the idea of putting your house on the market and leaving your beloved neighborhood behind breaks your heart. You’re at a real estate crossroads — something has to change, but is it better to buy a...
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