Want to know the secret to less stress and zero debt during the most wonderful time of the year? Start saving now! It’s never too early to plan for the holidays. Consider these tips for managing your money:
Strategies for a Debt-Free Holiday Season
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
Should You Buy a Rental Car?
If you’re in the market for a used vehicle, you can choose to purchase a former rental car or a privately-owned car. Buying a rental car has its own set of positives and negatives that are worth thinking about before going car shopping.The latest featuresRental car companies tend to have fleets comprised of newer vehicles to attract customers. As...
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
Few things can bring on a sense of panic and confusion quicker than realizing that your financial information has been compromised. Whether you find yourself unable to access your financial institution’s online app because the password has changed, notice fraudulent charges made to your credit card, or are suddenly missing money from your checking...
Topics: Personal Banking
What is a Durable Power Of Attorney?
A durable power of attorney is a powerful and important tool for estate planning. It is, however, only one of four main types of powers of attorney. Before exploring what makes the durable power of attorney unique, it’s important to understand the other options.
Topics: Personal Banking
What You Should Know About Setting Up Beneficiaries for Your Accounts
No matter the state of your finances, it’s important to think about what will happen to your accounts if you pass away unexpectedly. After all, this could have a major impact on the well-being of your family. One of the things you can do to help secure their future is to set up beneficiaries.
Topics: Personal Banking
Whether you’re great at managing your money or find it challenging, there is an easy way to accelerate your savings goals while staying on top of routine expenses - establish two different accounts for your spending and savings.
Topics: Personal Banking
Tips on Loaning Money to Friends and Family
A friend or family member asking for a loan can be an uncomfortable situation. On the one hand, saying no to a trusted loved one who has asked for help is difficult. On the other, saying yes could result in a number potential issues, including the very real possibility that your money will never be paid back. It can be difficult knowing how to...
Topics: Personal Banking
Using a CD to Teach Your Children about Finances
Money management is a complicated subject even adults can experience trouble mastering. So, it’s understandable if the prospect of teaching your kids about money might not be your favorite parental to-do. Start simply with a certificate of deposit to teach your kids the fundamentals of saving money.Set up an accountA drive-thru or online field...
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education, Family
Checking Your Credit Score Online
Knowing your credit score is the first step to securing a loan for a new car, starting your own business, or taking out a mortgage. With everything available online these days, checking your credit score is easier and more convenient than ever — as long as you know where to look.Credit report vs. credit scoreOne of the best ways to stay up to date...
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
4 Reasons to Maintain a Physical Check Register
Before you drop your check register in the trash and rely on your smartphone, consider these reasons to keep the records around.
Topics: Personal Banking
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