Knowing your credit score is the first step to securing a loan for a new car, starting your own business, or taking out a mortgage. With everything available online these days, checking your credit score is easier and more convenient than ever — as long as you know where to look.Credit report vs. credit scoreOne of the best ways to stay up to date...
Checking Your Credit Score Online
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
4 Reasons to Maintain a Physical Check Register
Before you drop your check register in the trash and rely on your smartphone, consider these reasons to keep the records around.
Topics: Personal Banking
Why is Financing Better than Leasing?
Navigating the car buying process can feel overwhelming, confusing and inaccessible for many people. One of the most complicated parts of the experience can be trying to parse out how to get the best deal on a car that suits your needs. Since the majority of buyers don’t have enough money on hand to pay for a car in full, two of the most popular...
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
4 Common Auto Loan Mistakes
Purchasing a new car is an exciting and tumultuous experience. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as you go through the process of choosing your new vehicle and applying for a loan that won’t leave you in the red as you pay it off. Thankfully, there are a few easily-avoided pitfalls that can save you money and stress.
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
Is Now the Right Time to Buy a Hybrid?
Are you looking to cut down your gasoline budget? Modern hybrids offer excellent fuel efficiency alongside space, style and luxurious amenities. However, it’s important to understand a few key differences between traditional vehicles and their electrified counterparts. Here’s a look at five factors to consider before you sign on the dotted line...
Topics: Personal Banking, Financial Education
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