Building your credit is important if you want to secure an advantageous loan for a home, car, or other big-ticket item. If your credit score is lower than it should be to help you get the financial gains you want, there are several ways to bump it up. The following methods will help you increase your credit score when using a credit card:
First Federal Bank
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How to Effectively Build Credit with a Credit Card
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12 Travel Apps to Improve Your Adventures
Whether you’re heading out for a weekend road trip or flying to a far-flung destination, your smartphone is an essential tool for keeping you organized and informed as you travel. As you plan your big adventure, consider downloading these apps — they’ll give you plenty of support wherever you go. And you’ll be able to install them on nearly any...
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Determining a Fair Salary Range for Employees
It’s no secret your small business relies heavily on the hard work, dedication, and expertise of your workers. To attract, motivate, and retain employees who make your company’s success possible, you’ll need to pay them well. Establishing fair salary ranges will help you accomplish this, and here are some tips to guide you through the process:
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Is Using an App Safer Than Using a Browser for Banking Digitally?
Online and mobile banking makes moving money, paying bills, and managing your financial well-being easier and more convenient. It’s certainly not without its risks, however, especially when it comes to identity theft and fraud. Is there a safer way to access your information between your financial institution’s website or mobile app? That largely...
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Foods to Consider (and Avoid) for Cholesterol Management
Managing your cholesterol numbers, both LDL (referred to as, “bad cholesterol”) and HDL (“good cholesterol”), is vital to your efforts to help prevent heart disease. If you’re concerned about your cholesterol, you’re not alone.
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Should You Rent or Purchase When You Downsize?
Downsizing can help retirees save money and energy they might otherwise waste on space they do not need. But in the process of downsizing, they must choose whether to rent or purchase their next home. What are the pros and cons?
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Investing as a Couple: Joint or Separate?
When you join hearts, you may consider joining your finances, too. But what is the best way to invest as a couple — jointly, separately, or a mix of both? Deciding what option is right for you takes a lot of consideration. Here is a guide to help you and your partner navigate this monumental decision.
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Upcoming Movies to Get Excited About
The fall season promises a few major blockbusters you’ll want to add to your must-watch list. Check out these upcoming films for moviegoers of all kinds:
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Why Your Business Needs a Blog
If your business already has a dedicated website and social media presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you may feel like you have done enough to boost your online reach. However, it shouldn’t stop there. Another important tool in your business arsenal is the blog. Whether your business is large or small, a blog can improve its...
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A Beginner's Guide to Making a Will
A will is a document that declares how your estate should be managed and distributed in the event of your death. Without having a will to guide them, your family members will have to spend time and energy divvying up your assets — often leading to additional stress and conflict during an already difficult time of mourning and grief. Here’s how you...
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