When you run your own business, it can be easy to get mired down in the little details, like color choices or which products to stock. All of those things are important to your business, but it’s also essential to periodically take a step back and look at the big picture. While you’re doing that, it is a good idea to ensure you’re not making any...
Top Business Finance Tips
How to Share Good Customer Reviews
Without a doubt, your loyal customers have good things to say about your company — so why not use those glowing reviews to showcase your business?If you’re a proud small business owner, you work hard to provide top-quality products and professional service. Here’s why you should capitalize on customer reviews, as well as a quick and easy guide to...
Topics: Small Business
Payroll Taxes 101
To help you understand your company’s payroll taxes, check out this brief overview of the factors you should consider before you tackle your taxes.
How to Fund Business Growth
Whether your startup is already ready to expand, or will sometime in the future, it’s best to be prepared. Read this to learn the best options for funding business growth.
Topics: Business Banking, Small Business
Celebrating National Ag Day
At First Federal Bank, we value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy. March 24 is National Ag Day, a day to celebrate and recognize the contribution of agriculture in our everyday lives.
Topics: Small Business
Funding Your Small Business with Bad Credit
A low credit score is a detriment to any individual or business seeking loans, but it doesn’t entirely eliminate your financing options. FICO defines bad credit as a score between 300 and 629. If you fall within that margin, you can still fund your business in a way that gets your score back on track and opens more doors in the future.
Topics: Business Banking, Small Business
New information on Keeping Workers Paid and Employed Act
We finally have our first glimpse of Congress’s Keeping Workers Paid and Employed Act. What an unusual time to be in SBA lending! I hope that this will pass and become law in the next two to three weeks. Here are the highlights:
Topics: Business Banking
Smart Home Upgrades to Save Money in the Long Run
You want your home to be as comfortable, efficient and as beautiful as it can be. However, deciding which home improvement projects or upgrades to invest in can be confusing. These home upgrades will help you save money in the long run.
Topics: Financial Education, Homeowners
FDIC warns of scams during time of fear and confusion
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused havoc on Wall Street and left many with more questions than answers. The FDIC is now reporting that scammers are using this situation to mislead people into giving their personal information or, in some cases, to send money.
Topics: Financial Education
Properly documenting SBA 7a loan deferments
I know many of you have had SBA 7a customers calling and asking for loan deferments. Below is a guide of how to document your loan file.
Topics: Business Banking
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