Check Out These Books on Mental Health

May 27, 2024 by First Federal Bank

mham-1024x538May is Mental Health Awareness month, established to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives and to celebrate recovery. MSN has compiled a list of books you can read to help your own mental health:

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

A gentle but firm guide to accepting, owning and - even better! - loving our so-called 'imperfections', because they are what make us, us.

Self-care for the Real World by Nadia Narain and Katia Narain-Phillips

A better relationship with our self starts with self-care, because once we start treating ourselves like somebody we care about we are sending a message to our subconscious - and the world - that we value ourselves and know that we are worthy and deserve happiness and kindness. Because we do deserve it, whatever we look like.

The Kindness Method by Shahroo Izadi

Behavioural change specialist and psychologist Izadi works a lot with food and alcohol addicts and says being that comfortable in our own skin is all about the way we talk to and treat ourselves: She told us: "Many of us wait to be kinder to ourselves once we've achieved our goals. If we start being kinder to ourselves regardless, we'll actually achieve our goals more quickly."

Brave New Girl by Chloe Brotheridge

The only way to improve our confidence - in any area of life - is by pushing through our comfort zone. Anxiety expert Brotheridge says: "Confidence is not something we either have or don't have - it can be built!" This straightforward guide will show you how.

Feel the Fear by Susan Jeffers

A classic on building confidence and learning to look at ourselves in new and more positive ways. Jeffers reminds us that it's ok to feel scared of something - whether that's going to the gym, drinking less, changing our eating habits or trying out a new look - and, in fact, that this is the only way we know we are doing something right!

Eat It Anyway by Eve Simmons and Laura Dennison

The anti-diet book from the brilliant (sometimes controversial) Not Plant-Based girls who want us to 'fight food fads, beat anxiety and eat in peace.' Sounds bliss, right? It is.

Crazy Good by Steve Chandler

A book about choices, because life is actually a result of our choices, including how we decide to see ourselves, how we look after ourselves and what we decide we want to achieve for ourselves. An easy-to-read and inspiring guide to living a 'crazy good' life by somebody who has also experienced a pretty rough one.

Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Perhaps the most pertinent read for our lonely generation is the award-winning journalist Johann Hari’s book Lost connections. Hari, was inspired to examine the cause of depression and loneliness after his own lifetime battle with the disease and journey with antidepressants. In the course of researching his book he discovered that community and connection are the secrets to true happiness, but our society has been programmed to place value on the wrong things.

You can read the fill article here, where you will find links to purchase these books.

Taking care of yourself involves more than simply nurturing your body. You have to care for your mind as well. Good mental health is essential to good living. Take some time to learn about how you can support your own mental health today.

Categories: Lifestyle

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