First Federal Bank Blog

Does Your Business Need a Project Management Tool?

Written by First Federal Bank | Dec 2, 2020 3:00:00 PM

For your business to thrive, you need to have the right tools in your toolbox, and that includes the best software for your operations. Regardless of the size of your company, you may benefit from using a project management tool to delegate and monitor your internal ventures. These are some of the most common benefits that project management tools offer their users:

Make planning projects much easier

Sitting around a table and brainstorming is a great way to generate project ideas, but it’s not an effective means to devise how you will tackle that project. Using a project management tool allows you to spell out, rank, and schedule the necessary steps in an organized way all participants can clearly observe. David Miller, contributor to, mentions those benefits, and adds, “It also lets you indicate which steps are sequential and which tasks are dependent on one another. In turn, this makes it easier for the team to do their work.” This saves everyone time and makes launching the project much simpler.

Delegate tasks and monitor workloads

As you’re distributing tasks among your team members, it’s useful to have a tracking system to monitor who is in charge of which responsibilities, and how much work they’re being given. A straightforward tracking interface can help you ensure your employees aren’t over- or under-worked, and phases of the project aren’t falling through the cracks. “The importance of resource planning should not be underestimated, as it encourages healthier standards of work,” explains Dennis Kayser, CEO of the Forecast Business Management platform. “Project and resource management tools have the best features to spot resource bottlenecks and insights when to bring more people onto the team.”

Streamline document and information sharing

Are your employees’ email inboxes bursting with emails passing documents back and forth to the point they lose track of which version is the most recent? Are crucial points of data lost in the abundance of communications? Consider consolidating all this convoluted communication through project management software. “By creating a centralized document storage plan, every team member can easily, and more quickly, edit and contribute,” recommends Miller. “This feature is very important in cases where the work is outsourced to a person or a team.” This tool allows you to streamline your team’s collaboration, cutting down on the possibility of overlooking crucial components.

Know the project’s progress at any time

Instead of asking around to gauge how far along a project is, you can check immediately through a project management tool. With a couple of clicks, you can see the status of a project, what steps have been completed, and where any hang-ups may be. Miranda Brookins, writer for the Houston Chronicle’s small business section, points out when employees make progress on the project, they can record this information. “The software eliminates the need for status update meetings and emails,” she says. This provides you with a clear snapshot of what’s going on without having to waste your time or your employees’.

If you’re interested in using project management software, do your research to find one within your budget while providing an interface, user capacity, and functionality that suits your needs. There are many products on the market, so you’re bound to find one that benefits your operations.